
Alfa Romeo 2600 Zagato Old and New Wiring

Albeit, I have been exceedingly  busy with the diverse tasks of work ranging from wiring harnesses, metal fabrication, moving the wiring harness shop to our 12,000 sf facility, perpetual task of organizing the facility, tool kit reproductions as well as other reproductions to be announced at a later date, I still find time to enjoy my work and still manage to diversify my work schedule.

As of late, I have been working on wiring harnesses for three 2600 Alfa Romeo Zagato models. The advantage of having three original looms at one time is that I can see all the alterations that had been made to all the looms throughout their lifetime and still be able to reconstruct them to their original glory. Additionally, I do not know if I should call this an accidental discovery, but while at the hardware store looking for paint stripper I stumbled into this product called Metal Rescue.

After reading the label I decided to try one out for loosening up those stubborn fuse block screws that previous methods of removal were mixed. ( busted fuse blocks, stripped the slanted screw head, drilled new holes, etc… ).

After soaking the fuse panel overnight I was able to loosen up some of the screws.  Some fuse blocks required additional soaking time and after several attempts I was able to remove most of the screws leaving the fuse box looking like new again after a gentle cleaning with a toothbrush size stainless steel brush.

These subsequent videos depicts the look of before and after

Old wiring

New wiring

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