
2016 It really came and went at lightning speed

I don’t know where to start, but before I knew it, 2016 has come and gone with lightning speed. However, in summary, I have to say that it was an excellent year on all fronts. From wiring harnesses, toolkits and some of my metal work have been selling very well, and that makes me happy. Despite all the work, I was able to manage time to do some work on the current five cars simultaneous assembly. Completing work on five cars at the time comes with benefits and some challenges but nevertheless, the assembly line approach have its unique benefits that had allowed me to work on all of the cars simultaneously.  Case in point, thus far, we have restored all of the wiper motors, tie rod ends, made all the new wiring, worked on all of the suspension pieces, rebuilt all relays, painted all suspension components, and more.

The Wiper motors:

 Replacing the parking plate inside the motor A newly replaced component.

Once the units were completely restored, we put together and painted. I am still waiting to get them back to the cars.

Electrical Relays:

The relay’s for the 750 and 101 cars were available in either De Leon for the pre-1958 Sprints and the Lucas SB40 series. The SB40 contrary to the popular believe about Lucas electrical system is an easy, simple and very reliable unit. They do require some attention after many years of service. Of course, climate can really do a number rendering useless.

I like to use Metal Rescue for removing rust.

All units were completely taken apart, de-rusted, and all casing cadmium plated.

Cadmium plating and Black Oxide:

I have spent a considerable amount of time going over each vehicle hardware such as nuts, bolts, washers, brackets, springs, covers to get them back to their original state. Once all parts are properly sorted out I take them for Plating.

These are just examples of the parts I have taken for Plating.

Tie Rod Ends:

I have discovered that there more than one style of tie rod end, and without having to delve into any specific details, I wish that the style of tie rod end were you could easily take apart and replace any damage components would still be available today.

Note how these early tie rods can be completely taken apart for cleaning and inspecting. Very likely, there were available parts for replacements at some point so do I suspect. Also, note the notched ends of the tie rod housing that would allow steering travel. Well, these feature is not available on the newer style reproduction tie rod ends. No wonder I felt that the steering was not traveling far enough to either side and that explain everything to me now.

Well, now that I am getting the hang of posting photos and editing my side I will try to stay more current. (Computer literacy, the disadvantages of being a senior citizen I guess).

Next time I will focus on the suspension component restoration.

Wishing everyone a Happy and prosperous New Year.

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